Sunday, February 1, 2015

Organized crap is still just CRAP!!

Augh!  Today, (Saturday,) I woke up to a disaster.  I watched it grow all week, too...  This morning it had reached an all time low.  My home has not been under my full care for the last year and a half...  AND IT SHOWS!!  I mean, there is stuff everywhere.  Every surface, including floors had something on almost every square inch of it.  I am over my head with it all.  Now, I know a lot don't mind living like this...  I can't imagine living through the depression and holding onto everything, or experiencing a loss, or having a mental disorder with attachment issues, or whatever else there may be.  I just can't keep on top of my families hoarding issues.  My kids come home with the weirdest things in their backpacks, they keep everything broken, they pull stuff from the recycle bins, they have craft stuff galore, toys that are never played with, and paper treasures of all sorts.  It's really ridiculous!!  My husband, bless his heart, has kept a lot in our garage and its a maze to walk in there each time.  Now, granted, I just throw it in there if it's his...  (He builds stuff and has a lot of laser tag, electronic, misc tools, chemicals, just stuff that he is really creative with...  It's just everywhere!). 

Pinterest has brought me great ideas.  If I had a dream fulfilled it would be to have a minimalist lifestyle.  I have decided to get rid of SO much!  I am so excited!  I know it will be hard on my family, but they will have to realize that the stress of taking hours to clean a room is that way because of the stuff they have.  If they want it to be easy than why have it all?  Imaginations are better explored, family time for fun is more abundant and stress is reduced!!

wonder sometimes if it's all worth it....  To have so much, "crap" in our life that is weighing us down.  I don't mean to get rid of it all.  Just most of it!!  Especially when I run into it because it's misplaced or in my case last night at 1:30am, sticking out because it has no home.  Grrr... Stinkin suitcase wheel.  I have a matching cut on the other shin from two weeks ago.  It seriously was very painful.  I don't ever want to feel the pain of a broken bone!!  This was bad enough!  Don't worry, I cleaned up all the blood for you...  You're welcome!

I look forward to easier home life, especially for me since everyday I feel like the maid.

On another note....  My kids could use a little bit more responsibilities and better examples from mom and dad.  Chore charts need to be redone, assigned out again, and followed through with parents supervision.  

This is a year for our family.  A year to get rid of the crap.  A year to put our energy to what matters most.  

I am not sure who said it, but:

"Don’t ever get so busy chasing the wrong things that you miss enjoying the right things." 

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