Sunday, February 8, 2015

Great day!

I wasn't going to post because it was a normal day.  But that's just it...  It was great!  I took my antibiotics this morning and went through the horrible herx but it only lasted for one hour!  The rest of the day was great!  I helped my older two with their science projects and did a few chores around the home.  I was in a manageable pain level and I'm so thankful for it.  I was able to see our friends who have moved back into town after being gone for almost 10 years.  I'm so happy to see them so close now!

I have big plans for next week but I need to sit down and schedule it all out.  Doctor appointments and a few nights out before I get any worse...  That's if I do.  If I don't then bring on the fun the week after, too!  Tomorrow we may take a day-cation with the kiddos since Sunday is his only day off.  We will see.  It's all how I feel and when I can get out of bed!  ;)

Oh!  I signed Bryan and I up for a home buying class Wednesday.  I hope they can help us out, or at least get us on the right path.  We haven't even thought about buying a home after losing our Rhino Linings business, (truck bed liners that we expanded to industrial applications,) as a sole proprietor.  When the market crashed in 2008-10, we lost everything...  Our business, including mobile rig, our own car, our home and most importantly our credit.  It's been a while so maybe we are ready now.  It would be nice to move into a home where we could stay in it forever if we wanted.  I'm done with moving and changing kids schools.

Well, I just took my pill and want to sleep before the worst hits...  I haven't slept through a herx yet but maybe I will tonight.  It would be nice to get some solid sleep.  Good night y'all!

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