Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lyme disease treatments and MTHFR...??!!!

My appointment with Stephanie Wallace at CIDS, (Clinical Infectious Disease Consultants,) was Wednesday morning.  It went great!  I was so afraid to be put back into a PICC line right away and thankfully we decided to go with oral antibiotics.  Doxycycline again and I should be picking up my prescription Thursday morning as soon as it's ready.  

Stephanie and I talked about all of my symptoms and she questioned a lot.  I told her about my list of symptoms lately...

*Fatigued all day
*Active and awake 6 hours max, 9 if resting all day 
*Pain levels high, makes me ill and unable to eat
*Nighttime tremors for hours, awake and asleep (husband has to hold me for hours just to ease them a bit.)
*Unable to focus
*Speech issues
*Incomplete thought processes
*Getting lost
*Memory loss
* "Sleep of the dead" trying to wake me
*Wounds healing slow
*Infections happen very easy
*Intense migraine like headaches, lasting a few minutes then fade to a horrible headache
*Always have a headache
*Loud noise and light sensitivity 
*Pain anger
*Joint and bone pain

So after going through the list and talking about each one, she recommended a few tests to look deeper.  

The first is to get and MRI done of my head to see if there were any lesions or something that could be causing the migraines, headaches and tremors.  

Next was to run a genetic panel, MTHFR...

I only remember her explaining about methylation in the body and how it deals with Lyme.  I am reading more about it and I'm really intrigued.  I cannot wait to research more.  This article/blog goes into it so much better than I could explain.  It talks not only about Lyme, but ADD, Spina-Bifida, Autism, frequent miscarriages, bipolar, MS, and a lot more conditions that deal with methylation in the body.  Please read it!  Oh, and then come back and finish here!!!

After going over this we then discussed to recheck my heavy metal levels and my basic blood work to be done again.  We will be able to check all this info in two weeks when I return and hope to know more about what is really going on inside me.  I may or may not be on a PICC line then.  Test results will tell as well as my progress.  The great thing is knowing she doesn't just want to treat the Lyme, she wants to help my body be its best so it can maintain the disease for longer on its own.  

I'm starting to believe she is seriously a diamond in the rough.  Not that I didn't think she was great before, she is amazing, but I have only found doctors in Arizona to be "Lyme-literate" enough to be worth my while.  I am wrong, again.  She is what I've been praying for.  As I've said before...  She really cares.  I am so thankful for her and for my Lyme community who has become my support group in educating myself.  I won't name them all, especially since I respect their privacy, I really just have to say how wonderful it is to have help and support.  

Anyhow, our home is being "shown" tomorrow and because of this I cleaned...  Too much.  I am SO sore and very much done for the day.  But I can rest tomorrow and be ready for the weekend off with the kids!  I need to do a bit of party planning though...  A 50th wedding anniversary out of town to help plan and a triple birthday party back in town all coming up next month just a week apart from each other.  Oh, boy!!  It will be fun!  Celebrating is a great distraction from all the treatments I will have coming up.  So, bring it on!!

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