Friday, February 6, 2015

Three days into treatments... For the second time.

I am not so sure I made the right choice to go with oral antibiotics first.  I know they make me herx so much more than the IV Rocephin...  Which is good and bad.  

Good because Herxing, like I've said before, means I am having a die off of bacteria in my body...  Or Lyme bacteria, that is.  That's right.  Kill those stinkers!!

Bad because Herxing is not good in large amounts.  It is basically your body reacting to a massive amount of toxins being released at the same time.  It is not only painful, nauseating and horrible, but if strong enough can kill someone.  I will be fine in my case, mostly because my doctors knows better to take it slow on my body.  So if oral Doxycycline is too much, then we will go with IV Rocephin.  

 Today is the worst so far, which is to be expected.  Horrible stomach pains, headache and nausea.  I hurt even more throughout my body and it stinks.  It's not even the end of the first week yet, too!  I think I forget how hard this is until I do it again...  Who wants to remember this!

Anyhow, I just thought I would let everyone know that I am managing well and even pushed my way through a few errands today with my 4 year old.  She is so sweet and we had fun.  She would see that I wasn't well and take my hand and help me along.  She asked me a few times to pick her up so she could hug me all better!  So sweet!

Well, I think I'm going to put on a movie and take a pre-bedtime nap.  Till next time!

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