Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Deliriously happy!

Yesterday I woke up in a great mood.  I am so tired of all the pain, discomfort, blah, blah, blah...  That I lost my mind pretty much!  I climbed into Emma's bed around 6am and was silly with her...  Then everything else was hilarious from there on.  We all laughed and giggled until it was time to go.  After the boys went to school I hung out with Grace and she looked tired...  She asked me to go with her to lay down in my bed.  I didn't want to but she was so pathetically cute and I gave in. 

I passed out until about 1:30 and by then the kiddos were starting to come back home.  (Not much time to get things done!)  But the kids helped me prep a room to paint.  We created our own paint colors from what we already had.  The room is now prepped, primed, and ready to go!  

It's all for my oldest boy.  He is almost 10 and his little siblings get in his stuff all the time.  They are 6 and 4.  He is always complaining of cleaning up their messes....  So I sat my 4 year old down and asked her if she would like a bigger room.  She was ready to go with it and it was a good thing, too.  Little by little we have worked to accomplish this.  When I do big changes like this in our home its always up to me to do it ALL.  If its my idea, I have to do it.  I normally don't mind since it's something I love to do.  I involved the kids this time since I can't do too much at once.  

It's turning out to be fun...  Well, not with the boy who is getting the room.  He is a whiner and I'm trying to break him of it.  Giving him his own room pretty much solves a problem for me as before I had to send him to his room that was shared by his younger brother.  This meant the younger one couldn't go near his room or bed.  (I know, I should ground him somewhere else...  But have you any other ideas?  I need them!)  For now I am putting him in his own room so I can shut the door and not hear it anymore!  

Actually, the real reason is because he has been very stressed lately and when I pull him aside to talk to him about his behavior it always has a root cause of his little brother picking on him.  Now you have to understand these two.  Close in age, one an introvert the other an extrovert.  Actually my oldest son is an introvert like mommy and daddy and the other 3 are from another planet of extroverts that we are unaware of!  So I understand when he says he needs his space from his hyper, in-your-face, I'm going to bug you until you play with me, brother of his.  I get it buddy....  I need the space, too!

So this has been my adventure lately....  Putting off everything else I cannot keep up with, trying to accomplish something that used to be a normal project for me, while helping solve my sons problems...  (That are so disruptive to the peace in our home.)

Whew!  Typing about it is crazy enough!  Oh, well.  Plus, I want to do what I used to do and more....  I will just need more naps and breaks in between.  Having Lyme makes me want to show it who's boss and not let it take anything more from me.  I am so determined now its not even funny...  Well, this morning I thought it was!  Just ask my hubby who was trying to sleep in while I loudly laughed with the kids in our bed!!  Ahh, good times, good times!

Thanks everyone for their support and love.  It has helped bridge the times where pulling through seemed impossible.  I cannot express enough how much I appreciate you!  Especially for my readers!  I don't know who you all are, but thanks for going on this journey with me!  Love you all and may God bless you always!!

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