Sunday, October 19, 2014

Local Pizza Place Helps a Family in Need

What a surprise this was to our family when we learned that Peter Soltesz at Joe's New Your Pizza had offered our family dinner and a chance to get out and forget about Lyme for just a bit.  I have to say that it is tough for me to go anywhere.  I must reserve my energy before and most of the times after I am still out for the next day or two.  This evening was perfect!!!  Well, almost.   I want so badly to forget about Lyme.  It is hard to when I am not always feeling up to it...  Watch the video and see what I mean.  I really had no idea they were filming me when this happened and to see it from outside looks scary.  Going through it is not easy and to think I used to be like this a lot.  I have been on treatments here in town but it is not enough.  Getting more extensive treatments won't cure my Lyme disease but it should give me many more years in between.  Knowing I may have to do the extensive treatments at all is tough to think of, but I have to.  I won't give up and let this slowly take my life from me.

Anyhow, enjoy the video and please share it!!

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