Sunday, October 19, 2014

Surprise Food Drop to a Melissa & her Family

This was a complete surprise and I have to say I was thankful I was dressed decently when they arrived!!  Haha!!  I was supposed to be going to the Temple with my husband to support dear friends of ours and I couldn't go.  I didn't change out of my clothes and to fight the depression from not being able to go I went to work on my home.  I really over did it and think it may be part of why last Sunday was such a hard day for me.  I crashed for almost a day and a half after all the cleaning I did!  

Back to the food story...!  When they came to the door I had no idea what was in the boxes.  Then the second batch had food showing and a lot of non-food items as well...  Let's just say I was humbled.  Humbled at all the love and outpouring support our family received that day.  From people we had never met.

Every day we open our pantry and are reminded of the support and blessings that we have in our lives.  We are now able to save quite a bit of money to place towards treatments.  I will be placing a percentage of our "grocery" budget to my fund.  It is an awesome feeling to know that we may reach our goal soon.

I really hope in 2015 to be able to take the 8 weeks to go to Arizona and receive treatments that I very much need.  I am still working on a post about why I am fundraising.  I haven't had too many active or clear-minded days recently, so please be patient with me.  Juggling my kids, family, church calling, my health, (which is trying hard to be up and about more than 6 to 8 hours a day,) a fundraiser, and trying to help with homework...  (which is a BIG task with 3 kids and one in home preschool,) oh, and a husband who is starting to travel again....  I AM OVERWHELMED!

Needless to say I am impressed with the timing of the food delivery and the tough day I had on Saturday.  Thank you again to Ashley Chau, Calvin Tran, Christine, Lucas, and Dan Warren for their generous offerings to our family!  We also, thank the Just Perfect team for all they are doing for us!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!!

Take a look at the video and please share it with your friends!  Thanks in advance to everyone for sharing.

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