Friday, October 24, 2014

Pole Position Raceway Las Vegas Helping Family In Need!

We had another amazing company help our family out.  This time it was by giving us a much needed family night!  Pole Position Raceway invited us to come and drive a few laps around their course.  The kiddos were able to do it twice!  It was so much fun!  I was able to race once, too.  It was so awesome!  It made me happy to be doing something exciting again!

I absolutely love adventures, traveling, the great outdoors, new experiences....  Most of all I love to share it with my kids.  To see their faces light up with excitement is absolute joy to my soul.  Tuesday night was just that.  As shy as my kiddos were they were very excited to get in and try it out!  Gracie is a bit too short still but thankfully she was able to play arcade games with Ashley, James's girlfriend.  She is such a sweetheart and Gracie really likes her.

The next day I was down in bed for most of the day.  It was no surprise.  Having a day with too much excitement will put me out for a while.  Having a day with excitement AND go cart driving....  Well, Let's just say I am thankful I only raced once.  I wasn't prepared for the pain I was going to be in.  I haven't taken a pain pill in a long time....  I had to.  I have gained a new level of pain tolerance....  But not that much!  Two days later it was worse.  Last night I was completely down in bed because of my neck pain.  It still hurts but at least I can sit up now.  I have been on pain pills since and can tell that it is wearing off now.  Yea me!

Well, Yesterday was tough emotionally for me.  I barely could get up to do anything and I was asked to do two things...  ALL DAY.  So as I tried to so the first thing my neck froze.  I still had to pick up the kids from school.  I called my hubby and thankfully he took over.  I can tell you I was a mess.  I don't usually have moments of weakness like that.  I am great at keeping it together and pushing through.  All the advice was great and I knew it all too well.  I just overflowed my bucket and it all came out.  My phone was completely dead...  It wouldn't charge anymore.  So I couldn't call anyone.  Grace finally found the emergency phone so I could call Bryan....  but after that I just decided to let it all go.  I wasn't depressed or sad...  I was SO MAD!!!  I was so tired of being helpless. Sometimes a girl just needs a good cry.  After I exhausted all my strength from the drama I knew I had to pick myself back up and keep going.  Well, I couldn't get up until the next day!!!  So I worked on family history until I passed out.  (I have this new app from and it's great!!!)

Oh, and my good friend Ammie came over and dropped off some very yummy treats for us.  I now have a great gluten free stash for just me.  OK, I might share....  if there is any left over!!  HA HA!  It was good to talk to her again.  Besides Church and my presidency meetings I really don't socialize much.  It was SERIOUSLY great to talk to her again.  I miss my friends.

Anyhow, they shot a video of our evening...  Check it out!

Pole Position Raceway Las Vegas Helping Family In Need!

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