Monday, October 20, 2014

Major Dilemma

Tonight my dilemma is pain pills or sleep pills.  Oils aren't working...  Heating pad is nice but doesn't do it.  Music/ ambience is not zoning me out enough.   Augh.  It's times like this i become maddened by the pain.  Especially in the silence of the night.  I have had too many sleepless nights from this.  

Most of the nights this happens I wait out the lonely hours hoping to eventually fall asleep...  However some nights I never do.  I try really hard to keep my sleeping schedule on track.  Lack of sleep is a Lymie's worst nightmare.  By that I mean healing and restoring.  Your body actually accomplishes a lot when you sleep.  It heals, regenerates, recharges and de-stresses the body.  To someone with Lyme disease it can be difficult to deal with the typical symptoms if sleep is not regulated and the body cannot get what it so desperately needs.  

I have always been big on sleep.  My husband and kids know that this momma needs her sleep.  I am not very functional with only a few hours of it.  I have always been this way.  I absolutely love naps, resting and enjoying quiet time to recharge for a bit.  Before I enjoyed them because I was a busy body who always had things to do so it was a rarity to take a break.  I would get up and work my butt off till bed time and look forward to the Sabbath when I really could rest!  I've always had a difficult time making time for myself because I was so busy.  Lately my naps, resting and quiet time have been a way of replenishing spoons or reserving them for a big event like going to church.  

This is now frustrating to me because I have days where I feel like I can own the day and do all that I need to do.  Mostly there are now days where I lie in bed or on the couch thinking of what I should be doing.  There are even days where nothing will happen...  Not even waking up.  If you watched our families first Just Perfect video, my not waking up is just a part of what my hubby talks about.  I would be so "gone" or out of it that he would come and shock on me to make sure I was still breathing.

Through all of this I have learned to delegate.  Biggest lesson of my life...  Delegate the care of my kids, my home, my chores, my calling, my responsibilities...  The list goes on.   I have learned how to let go of things.  Time management is a huge lesson as well.  If I'm feeling well, I am trying to do only what I cannot delegate.  If I'm sick or unwell I have a list of things to do that I can accomplish in bed.  Then there is my let it go list.  It goes a bit like this:

If it's not important to our eternal progression...  LET IT GO!!!

That includes, chores, callings, homework on some nights, errands, "fancy" dinners, getting dressed today, children's entertainment, my entertainment, outings, date nights, visits to the grocery store... (btw, I haven't been in one for over a month at least!) you name it....  I drop it.  It's just not worth the stress on my family or myself.  

Simple life...  Makes me think I'm living in the wrong city!  Las Vegas may be known for its easy life but I can assure you it's not easy at all.  And can be super stressful in my opinion!  Then again...  I have been wanting a change of scenery for almost 15 years now!  Maybe even longer!

Anyhow!  I need to distract myself from this.  It's insane! 

So as I lay here listening to my puppy hiccup...  It's so cute!  I am reminded of a book a friend purchased for me to help with all this...  I think I shall read it tonight!  It's going to be a looooooooong night.  Good night ya'll.

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