Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 20th...

Yesterday was my husband Bryan's birthday.  I had so much planned for the day.  I had our sitter lined up and surprise's ready to go.  About 9:30 in the morning I was excitedly discussing plans for the day and as I was laying in bed with our waking 4 year old I began to have an intense stabbing pain in my chest.  It followed by intense pressure and I had to sit up and breathe through the pain.  It wouldn't go away.  It would wax and wean for almost an hour before I decided to give in and finally get checked into the hospital.

I spend the time waiting in the E.R. for tests and results while my hubby tried to enjoy the rest of his afternoon watching Walking Dead.  My nurse, Bryan, had brought my hubby two muffins and coffee to celebrate his special day.  It was very sweet of him.  Really great guy.

As we are sitting there, my husband gets a call from our landlord/ family wishing Bryan a happy birthday and questions if he had checked his email.  I am sent away for x-Rays and upon returning find my upset husband still there.  After we were alone again he explained to me about the email.  Our home that we are renting will be short sold in 6 to 8 weeks.  We will be moving...  AGAIN.

Then as soon as that discussion is over I find out good news that there are no blood clots causing the pain.  I was ordered a stress test and that required fasting and an over night stay.  Yea.

As I'm waiting for the next move, I see on Facebook that my Uncle Jim is going into emergency surgery.  So I call my mom immediately.  She is already on the phone so I talk to my dad.  He told me he is having heart issues and it may be in a bypass surgery.  I finally get to talk to mom a bit but then I'm taken for an angiogram via CT scan.  I was on the table in the radiology room and my heart monitor was dinging away.  Fortunately they were able to get good pics and the doctor said I may be out soon and follow ing up with my cardiologist for more tests if I "passed" this test.

I get back to the room and try to find out more about my uncle. My cousin said he had an aneurysm....  I talked to my nurse about his status and was told that if its behind his heart that it was basically a widow maker and anything lower would be fixable.    So I asked my cousin where and I understood that it was lower in his abdomen.

My doctor returns and explains my test results which were the same as last time and I am discharged. I encourage Bryan to enjoy the rest of his day and we drive around looking at shops.  We finally decide on Big 5 and instantly head to the guns.  After a few minutes I receive a text from my mom.

"Can you talk?  Call dad."  I immediately told Bryan that mom wanted me to call dad and I stepped aside.  That's when I got the news from my dad.  Uncle Jim died.  He never made it to surgery.  He woke up thinking he was having a kidney stone and the doctors sent him to the E.R.  They did a CT scan and took him back almost right away.  Hey tried to revive him and could not.  

36 years ago on the very same day my grandpa died.  Now his son joins him in heaven.  What a birthday my husband had...  Or should I say didn't have. 

It still doesn't feel real.  Such a crazy day.  I will post more later but I need to rest.  I need to check up on my mom and family in the morning.

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