Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kidney stones

Two stones in two days and two more to go.  Yesterday I passed a kidney stone.  I haven't had one that painful since I was pregnant with Grace.  Pain pills took the edge off.  I slept all last night in between pain peaks. 
Today I woke up sore and while driving to my infusion clinic I felt the pain come back.  I was passing another one.  Since the Drs were not in I skipped my infusion and went to an urgent care. 
I was told there was blood in my urine but no infection...  Thanks to the IV Rocephin.  It confirmed that I did pass a stone yesterday and the x-rays showed I have others to pass, too.  I was advised to go to the hospital.
I went home, and Bryan took me to Centennial Hills Hospital.  I was given heavy pain meds...  It was great to have a break from herxing and pain!  The CAT scan showed I was in the process of passing one on my left and one more on each side are ready to pass as well.  I was given 5 different meds and sent home to call my specialist in the morning to be seen right away.
If you have ever passed a stone you know that once you do it tears you up inside.  Passing a second one was only that much worse because of the already damaged path it has to follow to exit.  On top of that I was herxing.  Not cool.
My urgent care Dr. on Craig...  Tony Garcia, is great.  I saw him last year when I first became sick.  It was nice to talk to him about my progress.  He asked me how soon I would be doing my back surgery now that I am almost off of the IV Rocephin. Of, course once I'm done I will have my polyp surgery and then my back surgery.  Yea me!
2014 will be the year to get me better...  And this too shall pass.
Now for some sleep.

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