Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A break from Rocephin & plans for at home therapy

Monday's appointment went very well...  We decided to maintain my PICC line this week and see how I do off of the meds.  We will then talk about my plan for the next week on Tuesday once my blood work is in.  I am hoping for the best.  All though there is no way to know how much Lyme is hiding, (inter-cellular, cystic form, or in a bio-film community,) We must go off of symptoms, my blood work and the condition of my immune system.  If I am taken off everything I would just be on the look out for a flare up and will have to do the PICC line and IV's all over again.  It's a tough call.

Bryan and I are looking at other options to maintain my Lyme at home. There are many ways to continually attack the bacteria.  One is through using various herbs and oils.  Another, (and can go along with the previous,) is using a Rife machine.  With either choice you will need a detoxifying set up through an Ozone Steam Sauna.  Which if I had at home during my IV Rocephin treatments I would have been better off.... (Which was was what Envita had!!!)

Let me explain some of the things I just mentioned.

Rife Machine Rife machine therapy works by generating resonating or sound frequencies specific to each disease-causing microorganism, at an intensity that causes its cells to disintegrate. The resonating Rife frequencies enter the body through electrodes designed for the feet, hands or through electrodes placed on specific locations on the body.  Setting the frequency specific to Lyme bacteria will assist in die off.

(Steam Sauna And Ozone Set Up)

Hyperthermic Chamber Steam Sauna CabinetA hyperthermic chamber is an enclosed box that you sit inside. Your head, however, stays outside. This allows you to tolerate a higher temp longer because your head is outside, and you are breathing cool room air. Steam is produced inside to increase the temperature anywhere from 90 degrees all the way up to 130 degrees.

Ozone Generator - Turns O2 into O3 or Ozone.  What does it do?

*Ozone Increases Oxygenation of your Cells (it has been proven that cancer and disease grow in poorly oxygenated tissues in your body).
*Ozone Modulcates your Immune System (for those with a weakened immune system, Ozone will boost the immune system. For those with Auto-Immune Disorders, Ozone will modulate the immune system to help to stop it from attacking healthy human cells.)
*Ozone Increases Energy Production in your Cells (your cells need energy to be healthy; low energy levels mean that you and your cells will not be healthy and will age)
*Ozone Increases the Activity of your "Anti-Oxidant Enzyme Systems". This means ozone will reduce the oxidation levels of your body.
*Ozone Reduces the level of acidity of your body (never mind the Alkaline Water...use Ozone!)
*Ozone kills Bacteria, Viruses (and virtually all other disease causing organisms) on contact

Oxygen ConcentratorOxygen concentrators filter out other gases in the air and store only oxygen. 

The Benefits of Steam Sauna and Ozone

The use of a sauna should be an important part of any detoxification program. The sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands and also promotes healthy skin tone and texture due to increased blood circulation. Using the steam sauna with ozone allows the steam to surround the body and ozone can be introduced through the skin. Humid heat opens the pores, which allows the ozone through the skin to the bloodstream, where it can travel to the fat and lymph tissue. It is very important to cleanse the lymph tissue of toxins and the ozone/steam sauna is the easiest and best way to accomplish this.

Artificially induced hyperthermia (rising body temperature results in the destruction of bacteria and viruses) combined with heavy sweating and a cleansing effect initiated by ozone will result in elimination of toxins accumulated mainly in the lymphatic system relieving the liver from the difficult task of dealing with them. Through the centuries, men and women have used steam to purify the skin, soothe sore muscles, boost circulation and to simply relax. The combined action of moist heat and ozone cleanse the lymphatic system, which carries 90% of the body's fluids. Ozone brings oxygen to the tissues for enhanced health and vitality. The combination of steam and ozone is a natural, effective way to promote a refreshing sense of well-being. We believe that a an Ozone/Steam Sauna cabinet represents a pleasant and easy to follow form of body cleansing.

Benefits of ozone sauna: 

*Relaxes and loosens muscles by reducing the buildup of lactic acid and increasing muscle flexibility.
*Oxidizes toxins so they can be eliminated through the skin, lungs, kidneys and colon.
*Boosts blood circulation, helping injured muscles to repair quicker.
*Stimulates vasodilatation of peripheral blood vessels relieving pain and speeding the healing process.
*Eliminates bacterial and viral infections of all kinds.
*Speeds up the metabolic processes of the inner organs and endocrine glands resulting in a loss of 200-450 calories in a 20 minute session.

Newest research shows steam hyperthermia an effective treatment for: 

* Detoxification programs
* Immune system deficiencies
* Pain management
* Cancer
* Arthritis
* Stress and muscle tension
* Increasing body metabolism
* Elimination of toxins
* Blood circulation

WELL!!!  That was a lot of info...  But now you know why these things are on my "wish list" on my site:

I will use these to help my body's immune system stay on top of the Lyme bacteria and to help me live a fuller life with my family and friends. Either way having this in the home for daily therapy is very beneficial and easier than going to a clinic every day.  If my Lyme flare ups are too severe then I can go back and try the antibiotics again...  Only time will tell.  

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