Friday, September 19, 2014

Fundraising HOPE!

Our family has been very blessed....  We have been extended so much help, love and support from so many.  We are truly grateful and will always remember your kindness.  Our hopes are to continue to pay it forward and help others no matter what they may be going through.  There is always a way you can help even if it is just a few kind words.

Over 2 weeks ago our family was introduced to a wonderful man.  He has a big heart and we are grateful for having him placed into our lives.  

Last Tuesday he and two of his companies associates came into our home to shoot a few segments for a video to help in our Lyme Treatment Fundraiser.  (Insert link!)

The video is going to open the door to some BIG things that I cannot reveal yet!  

All I ask is that everyone keep a look out for the finished video that I will be posting everywhere, on every social media I can and ask that you watch it and share.  We need LOTS of views and hopefully the video will get into the right hands so we can all make BIG things happen.  We will be able to help in many ways, not just ourselves but others who may need the support as well.  

This video is a part of a new company rolling out in January and I am very thankful to be their first video to help launch it.  We are excited and cannot wait for what the future will hold.

Having HOPE is a gift in itself.  This awesome guy, (pictured below,) has given us hope and so much more.  This new venture for him will bring hope to a lot of people....  It already has for us!

He, his girlfriend and one of his sisters came together to purchase food for our family.  What a blessing to have!  It was such a kind gesture and means SO much to us!  We have a lot of needs and it really is hard to ask for things. The time my husband has had to take off work and from not traveling anymore has been a heavy burden.  He is very torn between taking care of his sick wife and children and working to pay the bills.  Emotionally it has been VERY difficult for him.  When one person in the family suffers from a debilitating illness everyone goes through it together.

My children have even felt the strain from Lyme...  Our oldest has had "friends" tell her she is selfish for not selling all of her toys in order to help pay for her mom's Lyme disease so she won't die.  My girl came home in tears upon telling me what had happened.  I was so mad at first but then a bit sad that she has to sacrifice so much as well.  This is a great heart breaker for my husband and for me to know that if I weren't sick they would be more provided for.  I know our love is priceless and cannot be replaced with temporal things...  It's just nice to be able to provide some of the needs that come up.


Watch out for the video link! Until then!  Here is to hope!!!

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