Sunday, November 9, 2014

Treated to a night out.... USMC Ball

The evening was beautiful!  The ceremony was amazing and I was very honored to be invited by our good friends to the United States Marine Corps Ball.  Would you believe this is the only picture I have of us that night?  I had to steal this from our friends, too. 

We also had the honor to shake the hand of a retired 4 star General, Al Grey that evening...  That was an honor!  He gave a wonderful speech and it was very inspiring to listen to him talk.  What a great man.  Oh, I also stole this picture....  Here is the general at the cake cutting ceremony.  

Such an inspiring man!!

I had a great week and was almost completely in tolerable pain levels from Thursday until tonight.  I think the warmer weather helped a lot.  I'm thankful for the break my body gave me that I was able to attend that evening with our friends.  They are great company and have done so much for our family.  Certain people are placed in our lives for different reasons...  I know they were placed in ours for a very special reason.  I am blessed to be their friends!

I will insert pic of dress here...

Bryan was looking especially nice that evening, too.  He pulled out his suit jackets and found he fits into them again!!  He has been working out while I have been filling in!!  Haha!  I have an appetite now and I am so happy to be able to taste food again.  I've slowed down though.  I have never weighed this much our whole marriage, minus pregnancies.  It's not a lot, but I'm rather worried about not fitting into my clothes anymore.  It's not like I can just go out and buy myself a new pair of pants!  Slimming down is much less expensive.  So I need to build myself back up to working out again.  I'm getting a great workout doing chores around the house.  Plus, I found out that warming up by the fireplace helps my joints a lot. 

Anyhow, I got off subject.  We had fun, it was a great break and the food was fab! Best of all was sharing it with good company!   Happy Birthday Marine Corps!  

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