Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Painting: Check!!

I did it!  I finished painting my sons room!!   I just need to tack up the thin trim between the two colors and place the window trim.  Then it's curtains, closet doors, setting up the shelves, and the task of separating the boys toys.  

The picture looks a bit yellow because of the bulb.  I prefer the natural white light or day light...

Oh, this picture was my inspiration for his room.  He has biplanes on his bedding in these colors.

LJ loves it.  I can't wait to set it all up.  The coolest thing about this room is everything was already in our garage.  We had bright red and medium blue paints...  We lightened the blue with another white we had and added a dark brown to the red to make it deeper.  We didn't have green so we are glad the brown worked.  The tape, brushes and trim were also from our previous stash.  It was painful to paint but felt good to be doing something.  

I used the fan in the window again today and it brought the temperature down quite a bit.  So my body literally froze up a lot!  I find I sleep better with a heating pad under me at the lowest setting.  It feels SO good!  Well, good night ya'll.  There is more work to be done tomorrow...!

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