Thursday, July 10, 2014

Entry on 06/26/14 from GoFundMe - How much do I have to raise?

I am asked every day, by some one new, when I will be leaving for treatment. I always respond with:

We are waiting for results... That's another 2 weeks. Then I will have a consult scheduled and will travel to AZ for my port surgery. Then it will start the week after.

So, maybe 3-4 weeks.

I realized late last night that until I have the money... I cannot start. We were quoted the highest, worst case scenario about $57,000 over a 8 week period. I may not have to be there that long and that is if I will need "the works." 

That is $7,125 per week. 

I know "some" of the antibiotics are covered by insurance(s).... But we don't know how much.

I may not be going right away after all...

Next week my amazing "fundraiser volunteer" friends are going to be put to work getting something big planned. I am excited to start and hope it will accomplish what we require. 

I am starting to fear that I am not trying to raise enough. I won't know until the test result consultation. Just praying for everything to truly be something we can do soon.

If I left this Monday I would be, at the latest, home a day before school started. Knowing this won't happen I fear how long into the school year I will be gone. It's hard to think that I won't be there for them. 

OK, rant over... Either way, there is work to be done! I am just thankful for ALL the support coming through for our family. Like I have said before... We are truly blessed. Love to all!

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